2012, c'est l'année des élections en France et aux États-Unis. L'occasion où jamais de rafraîchir votre vocabulaire sur les élections.
Voici les mots anglais les plus courants pour comprendre les élections.
Par ex. :
ballot, electorate roll, to cast a null vote, constituency, canvas a district
Mise à jour par :
Hector Mec
Common words concerning elections
the | elections | les élections |
a | referendum | un référendum |
a | ballot | un scrutin, un vote |
the | presidential elections | les élections présidentielles |
| general elections | les élections législatives |
| elections to the European Parliament | les élections européennes |
a | direct election | une élection au suffrage direct |
a | political party | un parti politique |
the | party in power | le parti au pouvoir |
a | candidate for | un candidat pour |
the | President | le Président |
the | Vice-President | le vice-président |
the | Prime Minister | le Premier Ministre |
the | Parliament | le Parlement |
an | election campaign | une campagne électorale |
| campaign promises | les promesses électorales |
a | vote | un vote |
a | blank vote | un vote blanc |
a | proxy vote | un vote par procuration |
a | useful vote | un vote utile |
a | protest vote | un vote de protestation |
the | right to vote | le droit de vote |
| electoral fraud | la fraude électorale |
| voting age | âge légal pour voter |
| elector / voter | électeur |
a | registered voter | électeurs inscrits |
an | undecided voter / swing voter | électeurs indécis |
the | first/second ballot |
le premier / second tour (du scrutin) |
| relative majority | la majorité relative |
| overall / absolute majority | la majorité absolue |
an | opinion poll | un sondage d'opinion |
a | polling station / place | bureau de vote |
a | ballot paper | un bulletin de vote |
a | ballot | un vote |
a | ballot box | une urne électorale |
a | voting machine, ballot machine |
machine à voter |
a | polling booth | l'isoloir |
a | voter card | carte d'électeur |
an | electorate roll | une liste électorale |
the | counting of votes | le dépouillement |
the | turnout | la participation |
| abstention | abstention |
the | abstention rate | le taux d'abstention |
Common verb concerning elections
to | vote | voter |
to | cast a ballot | voter |
to | go to the poll | se rendre aux urnes |
to | vote for sb | voter
pour qqn |
to | vote against sb |
voter contre qqn |
to | cast a blank vote | voter blanc |
to | cast a null vote | faire un vote nul |
to | engage in tactical voting | voter utile |
to | vote by secret ballot | voter à bulletin secret |
to | elect | élire |
to | win the elections | remporter les elections |
to | run for office | se présenter à des élections |
to | win office | être élu à un poste |
to | stand as candidate | se porter candidat |
to | canvas a district | faire du porte-à-porte électoral |
to | make a speech | faire un discours |
to | challenge sb | défier qqn |
US elections
a | Democrat | un démocrate |
a | Republican | un républicain |
the | Republican Party | le parti républicain
the | Democratic Party | le parti démocrate
the | Senate | le sénat |
the | American Parliament | le parlement américain |
the | Congress | le Congrès |
a | Congressman/Congresswoman | un membre du Congrès |
the | House of Representatives | la Chambre des députés |
UK elections
the | Tories, Conservative Party | le parti conservateur |
the | Labour Party | le parti travailleur |
the | Liberal Democrats | les Libéraux |
the | Parliament | le Parlement |
the | House of Commons | la Chambre des communes |
the | House of Lords | la Chambre des Lords |
the | Prime Minister | le Premier Ministre |
a | constituency | la circonscription électorale |
Example sentences
An election is a way people can choose their candidate or their preferences in a democracy or other form of government. |
Most electoral systems are either proportional or majoritarian. |
Most democratic countries hold new elections for their national legislature every few years, but this differs from country to country. |
UK Elections - Example Sentences
All the Members of Parliament (MPs) forming the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are elected. |
Candidates aim to win particular geographic constituencies in the United Kingdom. |
Each constituency elects one MP by the first past the post system of election. |
The largest party not in government becomes the Official Opposition, known as Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. |
The "Loyal Opposition" describes an important constitutional concept: opposing the government is not treason; reasonable men can honestly oppose its policies and still be loyal to the Sovereign and the nation. |
The Prime Minister is appointed by the Sovereign. |
The Prime Minister will appoint all other cabinet members and ministers. |
US Elections - Example Sentences
The United States has a federal government, with elected officials at the federal (national), state and local levels. |
On a national level, the President, is elected indirectly by the people, through an Electoral College. |
The Senate has 100 members, elected for a six year term in dual-seat constituencies (two from each state), with one-third being renewed every two years. |
The House of Representatives has 435 members, elected for a two year term in single-seat constituencies. |
House of Representatives elections are held every two years. |
House elections are first-past-the-post elections that elect a Representative from each of 435 House districts which cover the United States. |
First-past-the-post voting, also called Majoritarian, refers to an election won by the candidate with the most votes (not necessarily an absolute majority). |