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Tous les textes : Anglais
Where Is Thumbkin
Popular Song
Traditional English song. Based on the French song "Frère_Jacques"

Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you this morning? (OR: How are you today, sir?)
Very well, I thank you. (OR: I am fine, thank you)

Run away. Run away. (OR: Happy day)

Where is pointer?
Where is pointer?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you this morning?
Very well, I thank you.

Run away. Run away.

Where is tall man (Middleman)?
Where is tall man?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you this morning?
Very well, I thank you.

Run away. Run away.

Where is ring man?
Where is ring man?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you this morning?
Very well, I thank you.

Run away. Run away.

Where is pinkie?
Where is pinkie?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you this morning?
Very well, I thank you.

Run away. Run away.

Where is the family?
Where is the family?

Here we are. Here we are.

How are you this morning?
Very well, we thank you.

Run away. Run away.

Watch a video of the song "Where Is Thumbkin"

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