If you believe you have a good level of English comprehension try
The Dead Parrot sketch of Monty Python.
One of the best ways to refine your foreign language comprehension skills is listening to parody.
As one commentator said: It's amazing how many words and phrases there are for saying a parrot is dead.
That parrot is definitely deceased
It's bleeding demised!
It's passed on!
This parrot is no more!
It has ceased to be!
It's expired and gone to meet 'is maker!
This is a late parrot.
It's a stiff!
Bereft of life
It rests in peace!
If you hadn't nailed it to the perch it'd be pushing up the daisies!
It's run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!
This is an EX-PARROT!!
Vous pouvez regardez les vidéos aussi
directement sur YouTube.